Thursday, September 22, 2011

Una conversazione in Italiano

I am now in Sicily. The relatives picked me up at the airport and greeted me with great enthusiasm. They asked me, "Come stai?" I returned by saying "Bene e tu?" and they said "bene." Then it was quiet. I usually try to speak as much as I can because I don't like silence but I had nothing to say. I kept thinking in Turkish instead of Italian. I was afraid this would happen because last year I had the same issue. I kept speaking in Italian instead of Turkish. But, I know it will pass. Once I become immersed in the language, I will start thinking in Italian, at least I hope :) So back to my story. :) We were in the car and we did make small talk about the weather of course. Then we arrived to their home. We stayed in the living room in silence again for awhile. Then they started speaking to me more. I could understand a little. A few more minutes passed and I could understand more. Before I knew it I was trying to speak. But let me remind you that my speaking is at children's level or worse! Then it was time for dinner.

 We ate dinner. It was delicious as always. We had pasta with ground beef seasoned with curry powder and olive oil. Then we had chicken that was roasted on kebab sticks between sections of onion and bay leaves. It also was stuffed with bread crumbs, oil, cheese and salt (She told me how to make it :) ). It was delicious along with the simple tomato and onion salad. I think I know why the food tastes so much better here than in America. The olive oil in America, even though it comes from Italy doesn't taste like the oil in Italy. I think the freshness has a large factor in the taste. Everything in Italy tastes so fresh! I love it! :)

After dinner, the conversation continued. I continued speaking more and they continued talking in Italiano. I understood most of it but asked them to slow down or rephrase their questions every once in awhile. They were patient. We had discussions on our family history, cultural traditions during the Christmas season, the present family, my experience in Turkey, and at the end each topic was concluded with "everything is in God's hands."

Well, I am now very full and getting tired. I think my jet lag is kicking in. Everyone have a good night and I will write again later.