Monday, December 17, 2012

The Christmas Spirit through Song

Christmas time is a time when we all become a child again, except for Disney World,  I'm always a child when I go there! But, Christmas is magical. The lights, the trees, the decorations and the happiness that comes with Christmas. Even though, I am not in America during the Christmas season, I can find it here in Italy. It isn't as extreme as in America but you can find lights on every street corner, Christmas trees in people's windows and the stores filled with people preparing for Christmas. What excites me is when I teach my classes, I am able to look out the window and see lights on the balconies. The lights aren't always hung nicely but to see the lights makes me happy. Today, especially, I felt the Christmas spirit. It helps that Christmas is just around the corner and that this is the last week of school. But, we had a spontaneous day of Christmas caroling in my classes. It helped that I was in the singing mood. I started and my students joined in. My first class had only 2 students but they seemed to know all the words and gladly joined in. My last class was bigger and some of them wanted to sing, of course I obliged. Even if they didn't know the words to some of the songs I sang,  they still tried to follow along. What was amazing was when all 8 of them joined in for Jingle Bells. The class was so loud but it sounded like heaven was singing along with us. It was overwhelming for me to hear them all singing. These are teenagers mind you, and for them to sing along, I felt was the magic of Christmas! I also felt a strong feeling that something else was going on but I can't figure out what exactly it was.

After we sang the English Christmas carols, they started to sing the Italian Christmas songs for me. It was very nice to hear them sing Silent Night in Italian (Astro del cielo) and their own Italian Christmas song, Tu scendi dalle Stelle. As they sang, Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle, I was trying to intently listen and try to understand what they were singing. It was beautiful to hear them singing :) Then I heard, bambini (children) di vino! I stopped them and I said, WHAT! Children of wine??? They all laughed and said, "No teacher! DIVINO!" Oh, divine. Ok that makes more sense....Guess I know what I was thinking about.....

Anyways, it was a magical experience for me tonight. I truly felt like a child again singing those songs. It made me remember my wonderful childhood and our annual Christmas Caroling around our lake....I was also impressed that even though I listen to Christmas music, I dont really sing the songs, especially the carols... But here I was recalling them after all these years. Just wanted to share. Another little touch of Christmas!

Oh and I just remembered a good point made by Buddy from the movie Elf. The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear! I think my class made Santa's sleigh fly! :) I definitely felt the Christmas cheer!