Monday, November 5, 2012

My weekend in Milan

I spent this past holiday weekend in Milano with my cousins and their friends. I had never been to Milan, except for the airport. I saw many sights, ate delicious foods and met many wonderful people.

I arrived Thursday morning on All Saints Day. The streets were quiet and empty. Every one was at home enjoying their day off. It was planned that we would go to my cousin's girlfriend's house for lunch. Apparently, her parents were excited to meet me :) When I arrived, I was greeted with welcome arms and many smiles. The table was set and waiting for me to arrive. Our first course was mushroom risotto. Very delicious!

Then we had roasted pork with potatoes.

Then salami and spinach. Apparently the salami is traditional for that region.

Then they brought out cheese, gorgonzola and parmigiano. Gorgonzola is made in a nearby town.
Next was fruit.
Then walnuts...

And finally, dessert. The chocolate cake is a torta di latte. It had raisins and pine nuts in it. 

After our delicious and very filling meal, they took me through their town, Vimercante. 

This is the old medieval bridge, Ponte di San Rocco.

I was excited about going on this trip because I was looking forward to seeing all the colors on the trees. In Naples, it is difficult to see the leaves change colors due to the warmer temperatures. I loved seeing the colors and took many pictures. Here is one.

The next day, we went to Milano. We took the Metro into the city and got off at the "Duomo." We climbed up the stairs from the Metro, turned to the left and BAM! There was the Duomo! I love when that happens. There were many people! We went inside and I kept thinking how my grandpa always wanted to go to the Duomo and never made it.

After we went through the Duomo, we went to the Galleria. It was pretty. I've seen three different Gallerias in the past 2 months: Rome, Naples and Milan. Apparently in this particular Galleria, there is a spot that will bring you good luck if you turn in a circle. So I did it. Why not! :)

After visiting the Galleria, we saw the Theater, the Castle, old buildings, beautiful streets, etc. We went to a cafe next to the Duomo and looked at the views. In the cafe, there was a display of chocolate shoes and purses, so I had to take a picture! :)

Afterwards, we went in search of some expensive stores. We found one street and I want to share what I found....
This one is a little more reasonable.... :) 

After our fun day in Milan, we headed back to the house for dinner. We had wine and potato chips as an antipasto with music playing in the background. My cousin thought it was Christmas because he put on Christmas music! I couldn't believe it! I was tempted to start listening to it since the weather was starting to feel like winter but I was good. Instead my cousin plays it for me without me saying a word! Great minds think alike! :) For dinner, my cousin made pasta with broccoli. Then chicken and hot dogs. For dessert we had Danish cookies. I laughed because they are popular all over the world! Those cookies are delicious!

Friday evening, I went out with my cousin and his girlfriend and their friends. We went to a bar. They asked which bar we should go to "the King's head or Sir Jacks." I went with Sir Jacks since it sounded better. The next morning, I went with my other two cousins to Lecco. For breakfast, we went to a bar.
Along the way, we stopped at  Madonna di bosco.

Then we arrived in Lecco. It was fairly chilly but a beautiful city. We stopped at a bar before we made it to the heart of the city for a bathroom break. The bar was small and I didn't see a bathroom but we asked anyways and they said there was one where a small door was at. So I opened to the door to expect a small toilet and BAM there wasn't a bathroom. It was a huge courtyard. I felt like Alice in Wonderland when she opens the door and finds herself in another land. So I walked around and found stairs but it looked like apartments. Then I saw garage doors and thought, "no the bathroom can't be there" but then I looked closer and saw the sign "Toilette." This was definitely an adventure. Sure enough there was a toilet and I found a woman already there dumping a bucket of water in the toilet. She said there was no water.....Anyways, long story short, I found the bathroom.

After I warmed up from some tea, we headed for the water.

After walking along the shoreline, I asked to try some typical foods :) I tried this chocolate cookie that was soft and had raisins inside with nuts. It was good. My cousin didn't like it though. 

We left Lecco and headed for another spot for photos. We walked through a lot of nature. I had fun taking pictures. 

After stopping for photos, we headed to the big shopping center/mall for lunch. We had a piadina. I had the vegetable and cheese piadina. It was very good. Then we walked around and I saw a two story carousel! We went to the bathroom, I know another bathroom story and in the same day! When I walked into the bathroom I saw many stalls. I chose one then backed away quickly. I thought I was losing my mind. I thought I couldn't see straight. So I chose another stall. Same thing. I went down the rows praying for something else but there wasn't. I was shocked. I couldn't believe it! I was in Northern Italy, where everything seems so modern and clean. But, here I was in a bathroom with no toilets but holes in the ground. I thought I was in Turkey again. Luckily, I lived in Turkey for a year so I have had practice but what a shock!

 That evening, we went out with my cousin and group of friends. We went to a Mexican restaurant just for me! I told them that I miss Mexican food tremendously so they took me. It was fun and I was in heaven! Margaritas and chips and salsa! yum.! There happened to be a big football match on that evening but my cousin assured me that there would be a tv because I didn't want him to miss out on the big match. But there wasn't a TV. Instead he asked to borrow my earphones because he was going to listen to the game. We were talking, eating, drinking and all of a sudden we would hear loud clapping and cheering. Everyone in the restaurant turned and looked in my cousins direction. He didn't seem to mind, he was happy his team was winning!

 On Saturday evening we made cheesecake. They wanted to learn so I taught them. After the cheese cakes were in the oven, I mentioned that Sunday morning I would make pancakes. Instead they asked how long it takes to make pancakes. I informed them that it would take little time to make them. They then suggested that we make them then at 7pm at night. No problem. So we did....They loved them. They put nutella on it instead of syrup....good idea!

The next morning, I woke up and my cousin's girlfriend said "pancakes for breakfast!" I didn't want to make pancakes but then she said "no no not you, I will make pancakes." Ok. I taught her that you can add things to the pancakes. So we added chocolate chips. She did a great job. I gave her the honorary title of "Professional Pancake Cook" After breakfast, 12:00, we went to say goodbye to the girlfriend's parents and sister. We also had to deliver the cheesecake. This rose was outside and called my name for a photo. :)
For lunch, the boys (my cousins) cooked again. It was fun living with 3 boys for a weekend. They cooked and cleaned for me! :) We had wine and potato chips for an antipasto, along with some jazz music playing in the background. Then, we had pasta, my favorite kind-gemelli, with sauce and prosciutto cotto. It was great!

Then we had pork, salad, potatoes and onions. Very good!!

For dessert we had cheesecake. :) It was delicious!

After lunch, we played Cranium in Italian. It was interesting and somehow I managed to be on the winning team! :) After spending a great four days getting to know my cousins and their friends, I had to leave. In the car ride to the airport, my cousin said (always in Italian, I just translate so all of you understand :) "it seems like it was just Thursday morning." I said,"Time flies when you are having fun!" I had a great time and hope to visit again soon! Thank you all!