I have flown many times in my life way too many to count! But I wanted to share my thoughts of my flight I just got off of. I flew from Naples to Munich. As we went up into the sky I took a glance at my new reference point of my new home, Mt Vesuvius. It had a little snow on the top but otherwise it was as grand as always. We turned and headed North. We flew over the mountains. Then I thought maybe we would fly over the mountains the entire way and sure enough we did. Dawn was approaching and we were flying over snow capped mountains for the entire flight. I could see all the small little mountain towns with their lights on. I was thinking about Christmas and how the towns were probably preparing for Christmas. I also thought that the towns looked like the background of a nativity scene.
We also passed Lake Garda ( I think that is the name) and it is quite large. I knew Switzerland would be soon after and sure enough I saw more mountains. We had flown over the Alps. I felt like I was back in Switzerland! Afterwards it got very cloudy below us and I knew I was in Germany. Last time I was in Germany I experienced the same weather, cloudy and rainy. As we descended, the sun was shining bright but quickly disappeared as we went into the clouds. When we started going down it was like we were going underwater. The sun was getting blurred then finally disappeared.
Now I am waiting for my next flight. In Munich they have complimentary beverages. So I made myself some herbal tea to drink while relaxing on a nice reclining chair.