SanPaolo- Naples Soccer Team Stadium (it was near the expo) |
Baci wrapper dress :) |
Dress made out of Italian playing cards and chocolate wrappers |

Saturday, I went to Naples with Simona to attend ShowChocolate- A chocolate expo. There were many stands filled with chocolate. We saw a demonstration of chocolate, an exhibit of Italy entirely built with chocolate, dresses made from chocolate wrappers, and stands selling lots of chocolate. I also saw stands of people selling arts and crafts, other gift like items, and even meat! I told Simona, it isn't chocolate, so we walked past the meat very quickly. As we started going through the stands I told Simona I needed chocolate. So I saw some people buying hot chocolate. But, you must know it isn't American hot chocolate. This is pure chocolate just melted. They don't give you an entire cup full only about 1/3 filled with liquid chocolate. I got my souvenir mug with my "hot chocolate" and I was in heaven. I was content that now I had my chocolate. Simona was talking to someone about joining a memorization course. They were talking for awhile. She felt bad because she was talking but I told her not to worry since I was content with my chocolate. After I finished my "hot chocolate" and she finished talking we continued on our way. We passed by a stand called I <3 Vino. I was happy. Then right after that was the Illyliqueur. Illy is a popular brand of coffee in Italy. They also had free samples of their coffee liqueur. Of course, I had to try it. :) It was very good though! Before I got my "hot chocolate" we passed a stand selling chocolate liqueur and of course I had to try that too! :) I was feeling great by this point! We continued along. After going in and out of the rows of chocolate and making a few purchases we decided to leave.
Italy completely covered in chocolate! |
A chocolate lamp- not made from real chocolate though :) |
Dog Chocolate |
We returned to her home and I got to visit with her grandmother and parents for a little bit. Afterwards, we went to a nearby town for pizza. On the way for pizza, we saw a processional blocking the streets. They were carrying a statue of Mary and many followers were carrying candles. I tried taking a picture but the picture didn't come out. We continued on our way. We arrived at the pizza place. The pizza was great. I had the traditional style pizza with sausage and a neapolitan broccoli. Afterwards, I returned home with my bags of presents!
The processional |
Bread wreaths on the Christmas tree at the pizza place |
Thank you again Simona and Merry Christmas!