Every day is a party in Italy. I don't know how many times I have stated this but I must continue to share my thoughts on this subject. I will give my reasons below:
1. Every day there are fireworks. Somewhere, someone is celebrating something, whether it is a birthday, a name day, a graduation, a national holiday, a win for the football (soccer) team, a good grade, a new job, a birth, or maybe even a funeral (I don't know if this is true but I think fireworks could also be used since a funeral is a celebration of life).
2. Everything you buy is gift wrapped. Yes, everything. No matter what it is (cookies, crepes, pastries, plates, decorations, other food items, etc), they will hand it to you gift wrapped. Even if it is for yourself. It doesn't matter. The concept that what you buy is important and has value is intriguing. I also like the idea that whenever you buy something you can take it home and unwrap it signifying that again every day is a party, a celebration, because you are opening a gift of some sort.
3. Every day everybody dresses nice like they are going to a party. They are always nicely dressed, clean shaven and ready for a party at any moment. Another indicator that every day is a celebration.
4. Every day there is a feast. Lunch time, pranzo, is considered the largest meal. It makes sense to have the big meal during the day so you can work it off throughout the day. There is almost always two courses at least during lunch. This to me is another sign that everyday is considered a party/celebration in Italy!
5. Every day everyone says Buon Giorno, which means Good Day. They greet everyone with this greeting, although it does change with the different times of day. You walk into any store or building and you say good day. Everyone is pleasant and always acknowledging the people they see. If you see someone you know then you even give hugs and two kisses, one on each cheek. All of these greetings is just another indicator that Italy is in fact a place where every day is a party/celebration!
Overall, I enjoy the motto that "ogni giorno è una festa." It is a good way to live life and I am glad to have experienced it! Living life as if it is a party or celebration ensures that we have a full and meaningful life. It makes us stay positive and be happy. This is certainly how I want to live my life, always smiling and full of happiness.