Italy, as most of you know, is a country full of history, fashion, good food, and romance. Paris is usually categorized as the most romantic but Italy's cities come very close. They are all beautiful and have that romantic flair to them.
Well besides cities, the people are very romantic as well. I am sure the stereotypes are well known and for the most part, I am told, they are true. But on a personal level I haven't experienced the stereotypical Italian guy sweeping me off my feet. I have experienced something different though.
Everyone wants to fix me up! Mamma Mia! It started with many people saying "you need to find a guy so you can stay here permanently!" because they don't want to see me leave. Then Ipolita's uncle said he knew a guy for me and he had land (that meant money!) :) He said if I didn't want that guy that he would continue to look for me and he asked what my preferences were....
Then I went to a friend's birthday party. I had just started talking with her mother and the mother immediately asked if I was single. Then proceeded to "offer" her son to me....
I went into a shop the other day with Ipolita. The shop owner was talking to us and then asked why I was in Italy. And his next question was, "do you like Italian men or men from this town?" I said whatever happens happens. Then he told me he knows a guy...
After awhile I thought ok, this is the Italian mentality because this has never happened to me in America! But, I was on the ferry to Capri a couple of weeks ago and I met an American couple from the same state as me. I was talking to them and in our conversation the woman said that I should meet her son and that he is very handsome. I think maybe she has been influenced by Italy in some way!
Then on Friday night I was hanging out with my friends at a birthday party and we were discussing going on a trip. They mentioned all the couples and then me. One friend said "don't worry, I will find a guy for you, it will be my present to you" :)
Overall I think Italians know the important things in life. Food, wine and love :)