Our adventure started on Friday and ended as a wild adventure on Sunday. We decided to head for Pompei and Sorrento on Friday. Our travels were very smooth looking back on that day. We started our day at the coffee shop by my house. Jane likes her Italian cappuccinos :) Afterwards, we bought tickets for the train to Naples. Once we arrived in Naples we immediately went to the other train station to buy our tickets to Pompei. Luckily, there was a train departing within a few minutes. We stood on the train to Pompei because it was packed with people. We were also given free entertainment during our journey. A guy playing the guitar started playing and singing immediately as we got on the train. He was pretty good. Then a few stops later a group of four got on our train. They were very lively and quite entertaining. They played a medley of traditional Italian songs. I was resisting myself from dancing or smiling because I didn't want them to beg for money from me. But while they were playing there was an older guy standing near us who you could tell didn't want to be bothered. But, as the music continued playing he started tapping his foot. He was trying to hold his smile as well. As soon as they stopped playing and moved into the next car, we all released big smiles :)
We arrived at Pompei and before we started our hike through the ancient ruins we had to eat something to give us energy. We split a caprese sandwich. :) We saw many sights although many places were locked up and closed.
There are vineyards in Pompei |
After Pompei, we decided to head towards Sorrento for lunch. Our train ride was entertaining as well. We had some musical entertainment but the highlight was the train conductor. He would randomly get off at a stop, make a phone call, then light a cigarette. He wouldn't finish smoking his cigarette instead he would stick the cigarette through his window. This way we wouldn't know he was smoking since it says no smoking on the train. He did this a couple of times.
Once we arrived in Sorrento, we had no idea where to go. I had a feeling it was quite small so we just started walking and headed towards the city. We were hungry after a long trek though Pompei so we stopped at a place situated in a cute street. We ordered pasta and it was very good. As we sat there and talked I heard music being played. It was coming from inside the restaurant (we were sitting outside), and I heard Natalie Cole and Nat King Cole singing an all-time classic "Unforgettable." The significance of that song in particular is that one of my memories associated with that song takes place inside my grandma's house. I remember it always being played whenever I was at her house. It might not have been but to a child it sure seemed like it. She told me how much she liked that song and therefore I always think of her. The fun part about this whole experience was that we had been talking about my grandma prior to the song coming on. I was after all with my grandmother's relative as well. It gave me a great feeling for the rest of the day to know she was with us.
Afterwards, we went walking through the city. We found many cute and quaint streets full of shops and limoncello factories. I kept trying to get a free sample but no one offered me one :( I did get a free sample of a chocolate ball filled with limoncello...It was delicious :)
We continued walking and found our way towards the sea. Along the way, we saw probably 4 if not more wedding parties taking pictures with the Sorrento backdrop. As you can see it is quite picturesque.
We decided to head back and head home. On our way to the train station we saw 14 guys watching one guy dig a hole in the middle of the street. They had superb supervision for a hole :) When we arrived home, we stopped for the evening round of coffee and then proceeded to go to the gelateria for dinner. :) It was just what we needed. :)
Saturday, we had planned to go to Capri but it was pouring outside and was supposed to be cloudy with chances of showers all day. We decided last minute to change our plan and head into Naples for a day of activities indoors.
First, I had to take Jane to a place that made good sfogliatella. She loved it and really enjoyed our style of breakfast :) Then we proceeded to find the Napoli Underground. We had to wait for our tour since we had missed the first one and too early for the next one. So we decided to get another coffee and have some gelato... ;) Once our tour time had arrived we started our tour underground through ancient roman and greek caves and ruins...
After our underground tour, we set out to eat pizza at a famous pizzeria on the same street. The line was so long we decided to forgo it. As we were looking for someplace else to eat we decided to head in the direction of the museum in order to save time. Along our way, there were 2 little boys playing soccer in the street with their uniforms on. They followed us for a distance and then asked in English if we were in fact English. It amazed me this child knew that but at the same time, they probably see many tourists day in and day out. We also came across some Americans who were lost. Most people ignore others but I feel bad for lost Americans so I offer to help them. They just happened to be going in the same direction as we were and to the same place. We decided to head directly to the museum because we weren't that hungry especially having that gelato for breakfast :) I told the group of Americans to follow me. I was the tour guide. I don't know how but these things just always happen. Here are pictures of the National Archeological Museum. The mosaics are from Pompei.
The special room- special access needed. It was free but you had to go in with a guide and children under 14 couldn't go in without an adult because of some sexual content. |
A wedding |
After the museum we decided to try the pizzeria out again. The line had disappeared and there were only one or two tables available. As I started to walk in, they informed us that they were closed. We went to another place and they said they were closed too. So we decided to go to the place I went to months ago with my other cousins. I was praying it was open. It took us awhile but we finally made it and they were open but only for pizza. No problem for us :) We were starving so we were up for anything, but who wouldn't pass on Neapolitan pizza :)
After our pizza we decided to head home. We stopped for the evening coffee and watched some Italian television that they had on at the cafe. Then we proceeded to my house to talk about family history for the rest of the evening.
Our last sight seeing day had arrived. Capri here we come. We woke up a little earlier since there was only one train in the morning that went to Naples. It was only 15 minutes earlier than the other trains we had taken the previous days. We couldn't miss it otherwise we would have had to wait until 2pm for a train. We stopped for our usual coffee before heading to the train station. We took the train and arrived in Naples. We decided to get our breakfast before heading to the port to catch the ferry.
Sfogliatella |
After our delicious breakfast we continued our trek through the city and finally reached the port. I had no idea where to go since I had never been there before. I saw the doors closed at some ferry companies and I started to worry. But then I found a security guard and asked him where to buy tickets for Capri. He said there was a strike-no Capri. I asked about the other island Ischia. He said yes no problem and directed us in the right direction. We arrived where the security guy told us to go and saw many people standing in line at one company. There was another company open and was going to Capri but the next ferry wasn't for another 3 hours. We thought, "Capri" the security guard said there weren't any ferries going to Capri. We decided to see where the other company was going so we went where all the people were standing. We got into a line. We didn't think it mattered which line to stand in until we got up to the front we realized we needed to be in the other line since that line was for Ischia only. They did in fact have a line and a ferry going to Capri in 30 minutes. We decided to go to Capri since that is where we wanted to go in the first place. We bought our tickets and proceeded to stand in line for the ferry. In the mean time we met some Americans who just happened to be from the same state as me and knew my town very well. They were going to Capri because their nephew was getting married on the island later in the week.
We rode on the ferry for 1 hour and 20 minutes. We saw sights such as Vesuvius, Sorrento and the Naples bay as we rode towards Capri. We arrived in Capri with quite the greeting. The ferry was honking its horns to the boats and the little boats at the port filled with people were waving and cheering as we approached the port. It was quite the welcoming to Capri. We thought they are very hospitable and kind here.
As we turned around so that the ferry door could go down to let us get off the ferry, the cheers and waving didn't stop. We all thought they were very excited to see us. They were even helping direct the ferry to the appropriate spot to let us off.
2 minutes later, we were getting confused. It didn't seem normal. The ferry door was opening but the cheers were getting louder outside. Hmm. Then the door stopped! I knew that moment what the outcome would be. The door stopped and started closing again. Over the PA they said "Ritorno a Napoli" (Return to Naples). They informed us that there was a strike on the island of Capri. They didn't say why there was a strike but that there was. We moved from the port and started our way back to Naples. We stopped in the middle of the sea to wait for the police to arrive at the port, hoping the police could do something to let us get off. After 20 minutes or so, they said they were unsuccessful and so we would return to Naples.
I felt more secure knowing I was returning since we had no way of knowing if we would be able to get a ferry back home later that evening. But, the other people who were staying on the island for a number of days were worried because now they would have to find a place to stay in Naples. A lot of people were on their phones trying to make arrangements.
As we were approaching Naples they said that the mayor of Capri and the leader of the strike had reached an agreement. They said they would let us off in Capri but they had to wait for the confirmation from the Strike leader before returning. At this point, we had spent 3 hours on the ferry that our day had been spent on a boat rather in Capri. We thought about returning since they said they would let us off but we had two problems. The first problem was that there was still a strike going on and there wasn't a guarantee that we would have a ferry to take us back in the evening and the second problem was that we wouldn't have much time on the island anyways. We decided to get off in Naples. As we got off the ferry there was a mad rush to the ticket counter where we purchased our tickets. The line was so long and there was no guarantee we would get our money back plus we had lost so much time already so we decided to forego the fare and start our day in Naples. But technically we got our money worth. We only paid for a one way and got a round trip journey out of the deal :)
We started walking along the shoreline. We came to the Maschio Angioino Castle. I was quite hungry at this point so we were also looking for a restaurant along the way. We decided to check out the castle first.
We had pasta with a pea tapenade, leeks, bacon and cheese.
We waited and waited and waited. No bus. I looked at the sign where we were supposed to stand and there was no mention of our bus number. After awhile, I told Jane we needed gelato. I was tired, my feet hurt from 3 days of walking, I was upset with the transportation that day and so we went off in search of gelato. We were walking and walking and then I noticed almost everything was closed. We turned around and tried finding a place near the station. We couldn't find a gelateria. But we found a restaurant that had a dessert menu. On the dessert menu they had gelato.
Finally, we sat down around 5:30 and did not get up until 9:30. We ate our gelato then talked. There was hardly anybody there. Then for a long time we were the only people there. We didn't feel bad using a table since they weren't crowded. If anything we would help them get business because they would see people at the establishment and say "oh the food must be good." And that is what happened, we attracted a group of 15 from the Netherlands. At first, the waiter was trying to get people to come in and he asked one gentleman from the group. The man said "no no we aren't hungry"and 5 seconds later a group of women from the group said "yes yes we are hungry!" Never ask a man. :) The group sat down and celebrated a birthday. They sang in English so I joined in as well.
The big group started to eat and our original waiter, an older Italian gentleman, asked us if we were going to eat. Not to be rude for sitting at their table, I asked to see a menu. They brought us menus and we ordered a caprese salad and 2 red wines. Another waiter who thought he was quite the comedian claimed that he made our tomato, mozzarella and basil salad. So I said I needed a picture of the chef with our food.
We ate the salad very quickly but the wine took some time. By this point, the sun was setting and the place was hopping. It was quite crowded. I could tell the original waiter wanted us to leave. I informed him in Italian that we were waiting for a train and that it didn't leave until 10pm. He came back and asked if we were going to Rome. I laughed and said "No, Acerra"He laughed and said something in dialect probably along the lines of you stupid Americans...because my town is only 20 minutes away by train, yet we had sat there for 4 hours!
As it came time for us to go to the train station we got up to leave. I ran inside the restaurant to say good evening to our original waiter. He seemed very happy that we were leaving. I think if I ever go back there in the future he won't be as happy to see me. He will be afraid I will sit there for hours again! :)
As we were walking back to the train station, Jane said "oh my, it feels as if we were sitting there for hours" I said "we were!" Oh it was fun.
We went on our train and sitting in the same car as us were many immigrants. One guy tried giving a bracelet to Jane so that way she would have to buy it but she gave it back right away. They were also smoking and drinking beer. I also saw quite a few other characters as well. On top of it I saw a young man, younger than me, who had just come from the airport. He was with older men who I didn't trust. All I could do was say a prayer and hope this boy doesn't get himself into trouble.
After 20 minutes on the train we were home. What a day we had! Oh my goodness. We were exhausted but we had quite the adventure. I am not sure you can fully understand the extent of our adventure but trust me it was something we both will never forget, I'm sure!
We went to bed right away since we had to get up early to bring Jane to the airport. I wore my new clogs Jane gave me. They are from Sweden :) Aren't they cute!
Overall, I had a wonderful time with Jane and hope she enjoyed her time in Italy. I was quite the tourist and let me tell you being a tourist isn't easy! It is very exhausting! I knew this but I have forgotten since I have been living as a local for so long :)
Jane, Thank you again for coming and hope you return soon!