March 31, 2012. The last day of March was spent relaxing for most of the day. I made pancakes for breakfast, sent money to my mother, all by myself (which means I was able to communicate enough in order to complete the mission), made lunch, walked to the grocery store, made dinner, cleaned up and then I was invited to go out to a pizzeria with my friends. Looking back on it, I would say it was a day of eating instead of relaxing! Anyways, I did go out with my friends. You can't pass up the opportunity to go out and eat good pizza! :)
We went to a place in the Sanità district of Naples. I am starting to remember and learn my way around! The pizzeria was off of Via Foria and it's name is Pizzeria Oliva da Concettina ai 3 Santi. My friends' referred to it as the Three Saints. As we stood outside waiting for a table, I noticed what looked like a memorial outside of the building. There were three saints. I am sure there is a story behind it.

Of course I am not hungry at all and I told my friends I only wanted a little bit of the pizza. So they ordered me a "small" pizza. But, before that came out, fried dough came to the table. Some had tomato sauce on top and others had ricotta inside. The ricotta filled dough tasted wonderful! The cheese was excellent! Then they brought out more fried food! There was fried zucchini, fried mozzarella (tasted wonderful!!!), fried crocchè (potato), and fried pasta (tasted like macaroni and cheese). Then they brought out this monstrosity of a "small" pizza! It was huge! Mamma Mia! The rest of the photos are what the rest of the group ordered...Which one would you choose?
My pizza! |
My pizza! Look it takes up the whole plate! |
The space pizza |
Corn pizza |
Bufala Mozzarella pizza |
Potato Pizza |
I don't know what this was...but it had a lot of things on it! |
This is the traditional April 1st Italian chocolate fish.
Not sure why a fish but they are interesting!
I like the chocolate fish on the top shelf.
It says "You are beautiful" Imagine getting that fish! lol |
After the pizza, we went to a bar for coffee, not for me but for the three guys in the group. They were leaving that night, after they dropped us girls off, for Torino. They were driving 10 hours during the night to get to Torino (Turin) for the Naples/Juventus match tonight. It is a very important match, they kept telling me. So we returned home after the coffee but on our way home, I saw green fireworks! Ogni giorno è una festa!
April 1, 2012- Hello April! Hello Birthday Month! This morning, I woke up early. I asked myself, "why Angela, can't you sleep late?" So, I stayed awake for about one hour then went back to sleep. I woke up around noon! Yes, some good sleep!
Then I got a call to have lunch with Ipolita's parents. I walked to their house around 2pm. I have come to realize that this is a wonderful time to walk around the town. It is peaceful and quite. Everyone is eating and with family at that time and no one is out and about. I arrived at their house and took pictures of some pretty flowers, I love flowers! Then we discussed the best way to grow citrus trees. Hopefully, I have some more insight now to help our lemon tree situation at home. Remind me to tell you, Mom!

We had lunch and talked about Italy's problems regarding people claiming they are disabled to get money from the government. Apparently it has been going on for years but now they are investigating it and finding that many people aren't disabled. After we finished lunch, I was going to go home and start on some laundry that I had to do. But, Ipolita's mom said that it wasn't safe to walk alone at this time of day because no one is on the streets and who knows what could happen. So she told her husband to accompany me home. He did. We walked from their house to my house with no problems. But, on the way, he was sharing with me some stories of his town from when he was a child. He told me as we passed by a park that the park used to be more beautiful when he was a child but now it is run down. He also showed me where a couple of farms and farm land used to be which now has homes built on them. He also showed me where one of his buddies works/lives and told me that he likes to visit him sometimes during the day on one of his many strolls. It was fun listening to him talk about when he was a child. I felt like I was getting an insider's view of the town. Sometime, I will have to write down all the stories he has told me about WW2. This town like all towns in Italy were affected, but to hear about the specific stories of that time is very interesting to me. It is also interesting because I am now living here and so I can actually place the events. Again, I will have to write those stories down soon!
We had other things as well but I only took a picture of the artichokes! They were delicious! ;) |
Anyways, I had a good weekend! I am very excited for the days to come! Happy April Everyone!!!!