I know I haven't written in a month. I said this year I was going to be more diligent but unfortunately it doesn't seem that way...
I have a lot to write about but I am going to split up all the entries instead of having one huge entry. I am going to start with my day yesterday.

Yesterday, I went to Pozzuoli for work and in order to get there I take two forms of transportation, train and bus. Usually, the train is never on time. And in fact, I was a little late so I didn't catch the earlier bus to Pozzuoli. Instead I waited in the windy weather for 30 minutes. As I stood there waiting for the bus, I noticed the stands selling mimosa in honor of International Women's Day or Festa della Donna. It made me glad that some countries do appreciate women and celebrate this day. I was told Auguri, meaning best wishes, through Facebook, chat and in person. At work, we were even given espresso. A shot of caffeine I desperately needed at the end of a long day. I was also given a small bouquet of mimosa even though I had the option of taking a huge branch home...Mimosa trees are everywhere in Italy and are in full bloom this time of year. They are very pretty.

When the bus finally arrived, I took a seat next to the window. The bus experience is always an interesting one. Usually, there are many immigrants, including myself on the bus, but also some interesting characters. The smell usually is barely tolerable, can't wait until summer..... I saw a nicer dressed man come towards the seat next to me and sit down. I never know if anyone wants to talk, usually they don't but I pulled my headphone out of my ear just incase a conversation was going to take place. Instead, I saw the man pull out his phone and start a call. Then I glanced over again and noticed he was having a video call. I could see the woman on the screen as well as myself since he had the phone pointed towards me. Not sure why, he turned it shortly after. Then he started signing to the woman on the screen. I instantaneously felt pure joy for technology. I never thought how video chat on cell phones could improve communication for all forms of communication. I may sound ignorant but I was truly happy that deaf people could communicate using cell phones. Yes, there is text messaging but this is different. I use video chat to talk to my mom so she can see my face every once in awhile but I never thought about sign language. Other people on the bus were staring at the man and I felt that it was rude to stare but I have found that many, not all, Italians tend to stare. The whole experience made me appreciate my hearing capability. Afterwards, I thought about the music I was listening to and realized the man or the woman on the phone can't listen to music. It made me sad that they don't get to listen to the beauty of music. I was having a day full of appreciation for my life.
This morning, I woke up at 4:55am. Don't ask me why, I have no idea but as I realized that I was awake, I heard birds chirping and singing. Why at that time of day? But then I felt happiness that it was a sign that Spring was near. I couldn't fall back to sleep right away and wanted the birds to shut up but I had to remind myself that Spring was near! Afterwards, I was very happy and appreciative to hear their music at that time of day! :)
Today, I walked in the sun on my way home from work, very appreciative of the sunny day. When I returned home, I decided to make lunch. Again, I am not the professional like Ipolita's mother but I try...First thing I did wrong was that I didn't use the proper pasta, I used what I had in the cupboard. I made pasta with broccoli and it was delicious. Maybe I was just hungry but it tasted great. I was appreciative that have had such an experience here in Italy. I have learned how to cook many more Italian dishes and have eaten so many wonderful foods. I felt pure joy that I have had this experience.

As I sat eating my lunch, I admired and smelled my mimosa. It is very pretty. I love the color yellow. It is very positive and uplifting. I felt tranquility and again appreciation for my life. I am blessed and every now and then I need to pinch myself just and step back and appreciate everything I have been given. I have been uncertain of my life lately and it helped to finally feel some tranquility. It also helped that "Smile" was playing on my iPod while I was reflecting on my life. "If you smile through your fear and sorrow, smile and maybe tomorrow you'll see the sun come shining through for you"- It is true :)
Have a beautiful day and weekend! :) I haven't mentioned this in awhile and actually I need to remind myself of this "Ogni giorno è una festa!" :) Ciao!