Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving and More

I haven't written in awhile because I've been busy but now you get to hear all about my recent adventures....

The first adventure is that I started working at a company in another town, teaching one class a week. In order to get to this town and this company, I have to take a train and a bus. The class time was scheduled for later in the day but I informed them that the train takes a lunch break and therefore the times wouldn't work. So they rescheduled the class for right after lunch. Since it would take me about 2 hours to get there, the manager was concerned that I wouldn't eat lunch before the course, so he invited me to eat lunch with them. I thought it was interesting because he said that we can't have a teacher teach without any lunch. They are very concerned about lunch and eating here! :) In America, I don't think they care that much.

My first trip there was an adventure. I took the train which took longer than expected, then I was supposed to take a particular bus. I found it and waited to leave. When the bus driver returned, I asked if it stopped where I needed to be dropped off. They informed me that it didn't. Instead I had to walk across the park square and find another bus. When I found some people to ask for the other bus they informed me that there was a bus but it was on strike. Lovely. So then I called Ipolita who informed me that there was another route I could take. So I got back on the train and headed for another train line. I found the train but it was delayed and there weren't any signs anywhere. Something was going on though, because when I was waiting for the train a lot of people were screaming and yelling. Once we got on the train they continued but I wasn't nervous. Instead I told myself, you are in Italy this is normal. I finally made it after 3.5 hours to the company. We found out afterwards we had the wrong street address, so I should have stayed on the original bus in the first place. Anyways, I returned home with no problems.

The second trip was much better in a sense. I arrived there with no problems, except I got a little motion sick on the bus ride. As soon as I arrived, we had lunch. Fridays in Italy are traditionally fish days. They did have vegetarian options and turkey, but most of the options for lunch were fish. I chose the risotto with mozzarella and sauce and a plate of broccoli. I ate with the manager in silence and once we were finished we continued to the office building. I had my course and then I headed back home. The bus came shortly after and I arrived at the train station in plenty of time. I waited for the train to arrive. But the train arrived 40 minutes after. Then the track changed. All the trains were delayed. Something was going on but I had no idea what. After almost an hour, I ran to catch a train going to another station. I got on it. I arrived at the other train station but had to wait another 30 minutes before the train to go home. While waiting, I decided to have wine that evening to calm my nerves. But I needed something in the mean time. I went to a place that sold sandwiches and pastries but I wasn't hungry I just needed chocolate. After walking out of that place, I decided on looking at purses. Maybe if I bought one I would feel better. But, there weren't any that called my name. So I was sad, tired, and depressed as I walked to the track for my train, when I stumbled upon a new store filled with chocolate. It was sent from God just for me at that moment. I walked in and was immediately happier. I bought a bar of chocolate and the sales lady gave me a free piece of Lindt chocolate filled with coconut. I was happier for this, I think. After chit chatting with the sales lady about it being such a long day, she was complaining too, I headed for the train. Part of the train was dark and the other part had lights on. I went and sat in the section that had its lights on. But shortly after the lights went out and the doors were locked. We were locked inside the train. But, I wasn't worried. I popped the free Lindt chocolate in my mouth and I was good. The lights finally turned on and the train moved about 20 minutes later. I ended up running into a friend so we chit chatted and talked the rest of the train ride home. It was another adventure....

Anyways, my first trip there I took these pictures. The first one is of a huge fig tree growing from the side of a wall. It makes me laugh because fig trees grow like weeds here and in the most random places. My grandfather tried growing fig trees in Florida and could never get them to grow or produce a lot of fruits. The second picture is the view from the bus stop, which is right outside of the company. Nice view.

I can't remember what day Ipolita made this but I realized that I may not have a photo of it so I took a picture. It was delicious as always, bacon, peas, and cream on pasta...yum! 

 Sunday lunch at Ipolita's house: Antipasti-fennel and orange salad, meats, and cheeses.

 First course: Pasta Bolognese- meat sauce
 Second course: Potatoes, chicken and salad

 Dessert: Dessert :)

 During the week, I seem to come across more things to decorate my house with. For example, I bought lights! Now I have Christmas tree lights and I love it!
 Thanksgiving Day: For lunch, we had pasta with pumpkin to keep with the Thanksgiving day theme.

 For Dinner: We went to a local pub where they made the turkey and stuffing. We had about 25 students that joined us for the festivities. We played Thanksgiving day themed games and ate turkey!

 For dessert: we had Birthday cake, Ipolita is celebrating the school's 15th year being open!
 Saturday, I went to Salerno with a student. She wanted me to see the lights of Salerno. Apparently, they are the best in the area. So we went! I was getting in the Christmas spirit as I waited for the evening to arrive so I took pictures of my decorations. :)
 Salerno!- A Christmas Tree made out of lights, streets filled with lights, and lots of people!

The Sun and the Universe

A dragon!

The Ench

I got ice in my glass for my water. My student commented that they put ice in my glass. It is normally uncommon to find ice in your glass in Italy but we were in an American bar after all....

Appetizers- French Fries, Fried Mozzarella, and Fried Mashed potatoes with cheese

My Turkey sandwich- had to keep with the theme of the weekend...

A store window showing that Christmas has arrived!

Overall, it has been a good couple of weeks. On Sunday, I went with Ipolita and saw the decorations in the shopping center as well. Christmas season makes me happy! 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

One word. Happy.

This weekend was one word. Happy. I typed happy into my iTunes to find "happy" songs to listen to while I wrote this post. One of my favorite songs came on from the soundtrack of Happy Feet, "Song of the Heart." While I listened to it, I wished I had brought the DVD with me to Italy....I will have to bring it back with me next time I go home. But, anyways enough of that. I'm writing about my weekend not about an animated film. 

Yesterday, I went with Ipolita and her family to Naples in search of drapes for her new house. Unfortunately, businesses in Naples don't take into consideration that people work during the week and are only able to shop during the weekend. So all the shops were closed. On our way home, they decided to stop at Ikea (only my favorite store in the entire world) and look for material there. I was like a little kid when we walked in the store. I told Ipolita I was very happy! :) 

As we walked through the store, I filled up my shopping bag without a problem. We were walking towards the checkout counters and there they were, 10-12 huge stands shining and sparkling from afar....the CHRISTMAS Section! :) As soon as I saw the Christmas trees, I turned to Ipolita and said like a little kid seeing Santa Claus, "OOOOH LOOK! CHRISTMAS!!" I was too excited. We were looking at the decorations and then Ipolita said "oh look you can get a Christmas tree in a bag." I know she was joking but I looked at the price and thought "why not?" I thought a few seconds more and decided I needed a tree. I won't be home until Christmas Eve to see our tree at home, so this way I can celebrate during the entire Christmas season! I quickly ran and got some ornaments and beads to put on the tree since they were already in line. 

Afterwards in the car, Ipolita's daughter asked when I was going to put up the tree, they assumed in a few weeks I think. I said "maybe tonight if we're lucky." They laughed and probably believed me since they know me so well. 

I came home, unwrapped, put together and put away all the items I got from Ikea. Then I opened the bag with the tree and started to put it together. I put Christmas music on so it would be "official." 

I am very happy for the Christmas tree. The Christmas season makes me so happy. It is a magical time and I love it! Every time I look at the tree I smile and my heart fills with joy. To some people, it is just a tree and it doesn't mean anything. But to me, it represents a wonderful time, a time full of peace, love, and joy. It represents family and friends. Some of my greatest memories were during the Christmas season with my family. Some people say it is too early to put a tree up but for me, why should we wait to celebrate such a wonderful season. Bring on the love! 

Today, I went to a friend's house for lunch. His mother was very happy to see me. She told me she was glad to have me over since I don't have any family here in Italy.  And then she welcomed me to be with her family for Sunday lunch, the day for family to be together. 

This is what we ate...

wonderful wine! (like the wine topper?) 






Skewers of meat and sausage and salad



I was with Naples fans! :) 

Can you tell!? The mascot for Naples is a donkey....

This is a traditional cake from Torre del Greco. It's name is Sciu (pronounced shoe). Very good! :)

This was a chocolate nut candy bar that was wonderful!

I definitely ate a lot. The food was delicious. We had a great time. Thank you!

Overall this weekend was just what the Christmas spirit is all, family, celebrating and eating delicious food! ;)